Use "opium for the masses|opium for the mass" in a sentence

1. I was booted out for smoking opium.

2. Strychnine, arsenic, and opium are poison.

3. They were quickly successful in the ensuing "Opium War", and continued to monopolize the local opium trade.

4. Laudanum is a tincture of opium containing approximately 10% powdered opium by weight (the equivalent of 1% morphine).

5. Opium is a narcotic drug.

6. Emma Goldman: I think voting is the opium of the masses in this country. Every four years you deaden the pain.

7. 5 Lower incentive for opium and higher incentive for licit crops all of this has caused a voluntary shift by farmers out of opium into licit crops.

8. Opium is classed under the head of narcotic.

9. Warlord and opium forge the indissoluble bound.

10. But what kind of person would want opium?

11. We have opium, tea and powder.

12. The teachers, becoming demoralized, took to smoking opium.

13. The architect must have been an opium fiend.

14. Their numbers were swelled by those fleeing the turmoil caused by the First Opium War (1839–1842) and Second Opium War (1856–1860).

15. We opened the money vault and burnt the opium dens.

16. Afghanistan and Myanmar continued to account for the majority of illicit opium poppy cultivation worldwide.

17. Burn down the opium dens, open the money vault, right?

18. Compared to the large opium fields nearby, the bikes were harmless.

19. He was forced to take opium to kill the pain.

20. Marx once described religion as the 'opium of the people'.

21. No need to harvest opium from foreign countries.

22. That man gave her a dose of opium.

23. Hong Kong was ceded to Britain after the Opium War.

24. The refinement of raw opium yields other drugs, such as morphine.

25. Opium Alkaloids, derived from crude Papaver somniferum L

26. but I don't use opium anymore - it only eases the pain.

27. Some say her old injury drove her to opium.

28. The western flank of this high frontier is the Golden Triangle, legendary for its opium crop and warlord law.

29. The history of Humen is linked to the First Opium War (1839–1842).

30. He abolished onerous taxes and puritanically banned prostitution, opium, gambling, even liquor.

31. You can't deny the fact that you were the one manufacturing the opium.

32. Besotter-Opium? What the heck? More importantly, notice the base domain:

33. She was given a high potency of opium which appeared to be the indicated remedy for this numb state.

34. For modern China the opium wars are a symbol of national Abasement; the painful counterpoint to its present-day might

35. They use opium as a sedative, rather than as a narcotic.

36. By 1839 the volume of opium being smuggled into China had increased vastly.

37. And opium and opiate derivatives just came along with it, y'know.

38. Codeine, a natural product of the opium poppy, is one of the most widely used analgesics (painkillers) for mild to moderate pain

39. Examples of Agonist drugs include heroin, oxycodone, methadone, hydrocodone, morphine, and opium

40. The melancholiacs are less lethargic since being weaned off the large doses of opium you had them on.

41. “The value of the opium imported alone exceed[ed] that of all of the commodities exported.

42. 22 They use opium as a sedative,[] rather than as a narcotic.

43. After the Opium Wars, Chinese breeds were brought to England and crossed with local chickens.

44. It, like the opium , will hocus your nerves, blur your eyes and confuse your mind.

45. New missionary activity only set in after the Second Opium War in the mid-19th century.

46. They inveighed against slavery, concubinage , foot binding, arranged marriage, cruel punishments, and the use of opium.

47. Several large opium seizures were made via the commercial air freight stream and the courier mode.

48. Acetic Anhydride - a compound that is needed in order to refine opium into heroin

49. The copy kept in the Old Summer Palace was destroyed during the Second Opium War in 1860.

50. Both men enjoyed opium, for which Shanghai was a key site in the smuggling trade, and the Fengtian economy became increasingly reliant on the drug.

51. Has the Commission provided funding for programmes to combat the cultivation of cannabis and opium and strengthen Lebanon's agricultural economy and if so what are these programmes?

52. When NATO leaders meet for their summit in Riga at the end of this month, there will be a ghost at the feast: Afghanistan’s opium.

53. Soon, the outsiders’ diseases —measles, syphilis, and others— along with opium addiction and alcoholism, devastated the tribesmen.

54. 12 Sino-Japanese War, Sino-French War, the Opium War, so that our "mother" gradually weakened.

55. The farmers, in Buner, an area controlled by the government, were charged with the crime of growing opium.

56. By 1967, Nationalist Chinese troops fought a war against a rival warlord, Khun Sa, for control of local opium production and distribution.

57. For instance, in order to generate much-needed revenue, Farquhar had resorted to selling licenses for gambling and the sale of opium, which Raffles saw as social evils.

58. These are opium- addicted people on the roofs of Kabul 10 years after the beginning of our war.

59. For example, in the Opium War in China, during the 19th century, British battleships bombarded the coastal areas and fortifications from afar, safe from the reach of the Chinese cannon.

60. These are opium-addicted people on the roofs of Kabul 10 years after the beginning of our war.

61. 17 Needles and Opium is a collage of physical and visual images, film footage and low-key monologue.

62. To turn opium into heroin... it's exposed to hot acetic anhydride, which produces 18 neutral impurities.

63. The bakufu persevered for the time being amidst growing concerns over Western successes in establishing colonial enclaves in China following the First Opium War of 1839–1842.

64. The majority of opium produced in Afghanistan comes from the Kandahar and Helmand provinces, Helmand being the major producer.

65. Some major battles in the First Opium War were fought here and on the waters of the Bocca Tigris.

66. And morphine from opium is illegally converted to the highly addictive drug. heroin, widely abused in Western societies.

67. Analgesics Opioid Analgesics Natural opium alkaloids Semi- synthetic opiates synthetic opioids Non opioid Analgesics 4

68. A plaster or Cataplasm, with opium and camphor on the region of the stomach, will sometimes revert its retrograde motions.

69. The opium alkaloid content of poppy seeds can be reduced by several means of pretreatment and food processing.

70. The net result, say some officials, is that foreign money has frequently ended up fertilising or irrigating opium fields.

71. Long the only Chinese port accessible to most foreign traders, Guangzhou fell to the British during the First Opium War.

72. Other examples of opioid Agonists, sometimes referred to as “full Agonists,” are oxycodone, morphine and opium

73. The Opium of the Intellectuals (French: L'Opium des intellectuels) is a book written by Raymond Aron and published in 1955.

74. But his most lucrative innovation was the creation of official monopolies to produce and market alcohol, salt and opium.

75. Befuddle Meaning: "confuse," originally "to confuse with strong drink or opium" (by 1832), from be- + fuddle

76. Needles and Opium is a collage of physical and visual images, film footage and low-key monologue.

77. Wounds healed with little fever or discharge and patients seldom needed opium to control post-operative pain.

78. Company of London inherit India and its opium from the British East with a midpoint dot) which was used is the Blitherer who punctus for different types first place

79. The word Amoy was coined after the 1st Opium War (1839-42), when Xiamen was forced opened as a treaty port

80. 8 For China, Opium Wars and Sino-Japanese war in 19th century, and for Ottoman Empire "balance policies" during its collapsing period resulted with awakening of two important nations of the world.